Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Has it really been that long?

Well, here goes another new year resolution out the window....lol.

I had every intention of blogging about my non-exciting life everyday, but evidently my non-exciting life has kept me away for quite some time.

I guess my last entry was on Ian's birthday. He had a great time celebrating with a couple of friends at Chuck E. Cheese and then proceeded to stay up until 3:30am with E. :-) Wish I had his energy some days.

Spring break was the first full week of April. Mom was able to come visit and spend the week with us. It was so nice to see her again for the first time since moving. It was hard to say goodbye at the airport :-( Hopefully, the boys and I will be able to get to Nebraska here in a couple of weeks.

May brought the end of school for the boys and I. Both Alex and Ian did really well this year. I was proud to see how well they both did academically (both on honor roll all year). They loved their schools and will miss them next year. They are both excited to start new schools again though in August (our address was part of a re-districting before we moved. Their new schools open in August).
I finished up my first year teaching down here in Georgia. I loved every minute of it, including the fact that I spent the year in a trailer. I will be teaching advanced algebra (11th &12th graders) next year and also have my own classroom inside the building (no more trailer :-( which I'm kinda sad about. I was close to the main office and copy room. Now I'll be at the other end of campus). But I am excited for next year already.
My doctoral classes are still going on. I am in week 6 of my current class. I am looking forward to getting back to work on my dissertation. I encountered a road bump in that process, but it will work itself out and all will be good again.

Other than the occassional trip to the pool or Lifetime Fitness (we joined last month, and we are all enjoying it), our summer has been uneventful.
Oh, we did take an improptu trip last Saturday. I found information about one of the state parks here in Georgia, so we thought it would be fun to go exploring. Tallulah Gorge was gorgeous! Once I can upload the pics from my camera, I will post them (my hard drive that stored my pics died on me, and I am hoping to recover all those pics. In the mean time, I need to reload my photo software, so I can upload from my camera again.)

Well, thanks for sticking with me thus far in my posting. I should be back tomorrow ;-)

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Glad to hear things are going well and you are enjoying summer! :)